A Step Towards Mindfulness

Written by Rhea Pai
Edited by Prisha Jairath

Perhaps one of the most egregious traits of human nature is the assumption “Oh, someone else will do it. Not my problem.” That latter half may not be as clear as its predecessor, but it’s the essence of our tendency to believe that global crises already have all hands on deck, and yours will be in vain. It may seem that whatever we do has an effect that’s negligible, but that’s simply just not true.

Small acts of mindfulness are more remarkable than the grandest intentions. The little things might not seem to matter, and even added up they may not be enough to make the difference we want to see. But the affliction our planet faces is the result of mindless and selfish human behaviour, and the first step towards healing our home is to make those individual changes in our lives and spread the fact that if we all took these seemingly minuscule steps, it will result in something far greater.

Our lives are comfortable, far too comfortable as our grandmothers would say. But it’s high time we took a good, hard look at the way we’re living and ask ourselves whether we are contributing towards trying to minimise our carbon footprint. We don’t have to make any large changes, and when you break it down, you’ll find you have more power than you realise
